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Financial Reporting
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Reviewing your business's financial results will help you gain a thorough understanding of your business's financial health and uncover vital information that can help you make better business decisions.

As a small business owner, you constantly need to be informed about your business’s performance in order to make decisions about growth, investment or expansion. Most business owners review only the Profit and Loss statement. The Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statements must also be reviewed to fully understand the relationship among financial statements and the financial impact on your business. Operational Finance ties it all together.

Financial Reporting & Analysis will help you answer questions such as:
  •   What are the business’s sales?
  •   What products or services are generating which sales?
  •   What are the variable costs associated with the sales or the gross profit margin?
  •   What is the base and overhead cost?
  •   What is the net profit earned?
  •   What is the business’s ability to meet the current debts with current assets?
  •   Is the business generating positive cash flow from operations, or is the cash tied up?

We provide value-added data and analysis that is relevant and meaningful to your business in order to help you make informed decisions. To that end we provide the type of insight on how your business has been performing and make suggestions on how to improve profitability.

We help you maintain control over your business by performing a monthly variance analysis and we look for trends and comparisons that drive behavior. We compare a multitude of data looking for insights against prior year, budgets and estimates. We solve complex financial reporting issues by evaluating the efficiency of your business operations and interpret financial results.

To make the financial statements information meaningful, the financial analysis and interpretations are used to draw conclusions that help the business owner make profitable business decisions. We will meet with you monthly to review your business's financial results and help you gain a thorough understanding of your business's financial health.

We’ll take the time to learn about your business then develop a customized plan
to meet your company’s needs.

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